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Visiting Mexico for the first time, or even coming back for another adventure?

It’s natural to wonder if you’ll be able to communicate effectively with locals and navigate through various situations.

Worry not.

This article will guide you through common phrases in Mexico, ensuring that you can connect with people and enjoy your experience to the fullest.

From basic greetings to essential travel phrases and popular expressions, this article has got you covered.

Whether you’re exploring the vibrant culture, dining on delectable local cuisine, or seeking help during your travels, knowing these phrases will give you the confidence to make the most of every moment.

So, let’s dive in and learn how mastering a few key Mexican phrases can enhance your trip and make it one to remember.

Key Takeaways

  • Master basic greetings and common courtesy phrases for a warm introduction to Mexico’s rich culture
  • Learn essential travel phrases to help you with accommodations, dining, and touring
  • Get familiar with popular Mexican slang and expressions to add a dash of authenticity to your conversations
Table of Contents

Common Phrases in Mexico: Basic Greetings


When visiting Mexico with your family, it’s important to learn a few basic greetings in Spanish that will help you connect with the locals and navigate social situations with ease.

Whether it’s saying hello or goodbye, these common phrases are essential to making a great first impression.

To start, always remember the universal greeting in Spanish: “Hola”.

Simple, yet effective, you can use this to casually greet anyone, whether they’re a friend or stranger.

From there, add a touch of formality depending on the time of day.

  • “Buenos días”: Good morning
  • “Buenas tardes”: Good afternoon
  • “Buenas noches”: Good evening or good night

When addressing someone in Mexico, it’s important to be polite and use formal language, especially if you’re meeting someone for the first time.

This includes using “usted” (formal version of you) and addressing people by their title, like “Señor” (Mr.) or “Señora” (Mrs.) instead of using their first name.

In more informal settings, such as with friends or family, it’s acceptable to use “tú” and even some popular slang phrases, like “¡Qué onda!” which translates to “What’s up?” in Mexican Spanish.

If you’re unsure of what to say, don’t be afraid to ask questions.

By showing curiosity and engaging in conversations, you’ll appear friendlier and more approachable.

Just keep your language simple and avoid complex phrases to make the conversation flow smoothly.

Remember, making a connection with the wonderful people of Mexico starts with a friendly greeting.

Common Courtesy Phrases

When visiting Mexico with your family, it’s essential to know some common courtesy phrases in Spanish that’ll help you blend in with the locals and navigate through daily conversations.

Let’s dive into a few useful expressions you should know when exploring Mexico!

Thank You

Expressing gratitude is universal, and in Mexico, saying thank you is just as important.

The standard phrase is “gracias,” but you can step it up a notch with “muchas gracias” which means thank you very much.

Another popular expression, particularly in Mexico, is “gracias, muy amable” which translates to thank you, very kind.

These phrases go a long way when appreciating a friendly gesture or a helpful hand.

So remember, with gratitude, you can never go wrong!

Excuse Me

Now, when you find yourself in a situation where you need to ask for help or simply want to get someone’s attention, the phrase “excuse me” comes in handy.

In Spanish, there are a couple of ways to say it:

  1. “Perdón”: This word is perfect when you accidentally bump into someone or want to squeeze through a crowd.
  2. “Disculpe”: Ideal for politely interrupting a conversation or requesting assistance from a waiter, store attendant, or a passerby.

Lastly, it’s helpful to understand that Mexican culture values politeness.

By making an effort to learn these key phrases, you’ll not only show respect for their customs but also create a better experience for yourself and your family.

Essential Phrases for Travel

Essential Phrases for Travel

Asking for Directions

Asking for directions in Mexico can be an adventure, but knowing some essential Spanish phrases will make the journey easier and much more enjoyable.

So, let’s start with the basics or, should I say, the basics in Spanish:

  • To ask, “Where is…?”, say “¿Dónde está…?
  • If you’re looking for a specific place, add its name right after, like this: “¿Dónde está el baño?” (Where is the bathroom?)
  • To ask for directions to your hotel, simply say: “¿Cómo llego a mi hotel?” (How do I get to my hotel?)

Remember, when someone offers you assistance, a good ol’ “Gracias” (Thank you) goes a long way.

Numbers and Time

How much will it cost?

When does the bus leave?

Those are common questions while traveling, and you’ll need to know how to handle numbers and time in Mexican Spanish.

When it comes to numbers, some basic ones you might need are:

  • Uno (1)
  • Dos (2)
  • Tres (3)
  • Cuatro (4)
  • Cinco (5)
  • Seis (6)
  • Siete (7)
  • Ocho (8)
  • Nueve (9)
  • Diez (10)

If you want to ask about the price of something, just say: “¿Cuánto cuesta?” (How much does it cost?)

Now, let’s talk about time.

In Mexico, as in many Spanish-speaking countries, the 24-hour clock is commonly used.

But don’t worry, with a little practice, you can easily get the hang of it.

Here are some helpful phrases:

  • ¿Qué hora es? (What time is it?)
  • ¿A qué hora sale el autobús? (What time does the bus leave?)
  • La hora es… (The time is…)

Mexican Slang and Popular Expressions

Visiting Mexico with your family is an exciting adventure, and knowing some common Mexican slang and popular expressions will help you better connect with the locals.

This section will cover a handful of phrases that you’re likely to come across during your visit.

One common expression you might hear is “¿Qué onda?” which translates to “What’s up?”.

Use it casually to greet friends or engage in conversation with new acquaintances.

With children, you may even hear the phrase “No manches” being used.

This expression is similar to “No way!” or “You’ve got to be kidding!”.

Listen for it among the younger crowd during your family outings.

If something is considered cool or awesome, the word “chido” comes into play.

For example, if you come across a fantastic street performance, feel free to express your enthusiasm by mentioning, “¡Esto está chido!”

Some people may also use the word “¡Qué padre!” to express their excitement.

Mexican SlangEnglish Meaning
Qué ondaWhat’s up?
No manchesNo way!

While exploring Mexico, you’ll notice a unique warmth and friendliness among the people.

To better understand this aspect of their culture, familiarize yourself with the phrase “mi casa es tu casa” – a saying which means “my house is your house.”

Feel the friendly vibes by using this conscientious expression and embracing the hospitality that Mexico has to offer.

Remember, while slang can be fun and add personality to your interactions, be sure to always remain respectful and avoid using words or expressions that could be offensive to others.

Phrases for Accommodations

Las Ventanas al Paraíso, a Rosewood Resort

Finding the perfect place to stay is essential to any great vacation in Mexico.

Knowing some simple phrases will help you navigate the accommodations, whether you choose a hotel or an Airbnb.

Let’s dive into the lingo for both options!


The best hotels in Mexico warmly welcome their guests with hospitality and smiles, but it never hurts to be prepared with some key phrases to ensure a comfortable stay.

When you check-in, ask about the available amenities in your room:

  • ¿Hay una cama y almohadas cómodas? — Do you have a comfortable bed and pillows?
  • ¿Tiene una ducha con agua caliente? — Do you have a hot shower?
  • ¿Hay una plancha? — Is there an iron?
  • ¿Tiene un secador de pelo? — Do you have a hair dryer?

And if you need help from the hotel staff, you can ask:

  • ¿Puede ayudarme con…? — Can you help me with…?


Airbnb offers a more personal touch to your lodging experience in Mexico.

It’s important to communicate with your host to ensure you have everything you need.

Here are some key phrases to use when asking about your Airbnb accommodations:

  • ¿Cuál es el tamaño de la cama? — What’s the size of the bed?
  • ¿Hay almohadas extra? — Are there extra pillows?
  • ¿Tiene una ducha con buena presión de agua? — Do you have a shower with good water pressure?
  • ¿Dónde está la plancha? — Where’s the iron?
  • ¿Hay un secador de pelo disponible? — Is there a hair dryer available?

Don’t forget to be polite, and use these friendly phrases to make your interactions smoother:

  • ¿Cómo estás? — How are you?
  • ¡Gracias! — Thank you!

Phrases for Dining and Local Cuisine

Phrases for Dining and Local Cuisine

Ordering Food

When visiting Mexico, your taste buds will surely be in for a treat.

One of the highlights of touring beautiful Mexican beaches and cities is the diverse local cuisine.

But first, let’s make sure you got this Spanish-thing down.

When ordering food in Spanish-speaking countries, it’s essential to know a few key phrases.

To request a menu, say “¿Podría darme un menú, por favor?” and to ask if a dish is spicy, inquire “¿Es picante este platillo?”.

Remember, there’s a difference between “picante” (spicy) and “caliente” (hot temperature-wise).

If you have dietary restrictions, make sure to inform your server with phrases like “Soy alérgico/a a los mariscos” (I am allergic to seafood).

Trying the Local Cuisine

Now that you’ve got the basics covered, let’s explore the fantastic dining experiences at the best restaurants in Mexico.

Foodies rejoice.

If you love seafood, you can’t miss fish tacos (“Tacos de pescado”) or ceviche, a raw fish and seafood dish marinated in lime juice.

As for meat lovers, tacos al pastor made with slow-cooked marinated pork is a must-try.

Vegetarians, don’t fret/

There’s a tasty variety of dishes like chiles rellenos (stuffed peppers) or quesadillas filled with cheese, mushrooms, or squash blossoms.

When enjoying the local cuisine, don’t be afraid to ask your server for suggestions.

You can say, “Nos puede recomendar algún platillo típico?” (Can you recommend any traditional dishes?).

And of course, feel free to let them know if you enjoyed the meal with “La comida estuvo deliciosa” (The food was delicious).

Phrases for Medical Assistance

Traveling to Mexico with your family?

No need to worry about communicating during a medical situation!

When it comes to seeking medical attention, here are some useful phrases and vocabulary to help you along the way.

In case you need to find a pharmacy, simply ask “¿Dónde está la farmacia más cercana?” (Where is the nearest pharmacy?)

It’s always a good idea to know the word “farmacia” (pharmacy) in case you see one while exploring the city.

Pharmacists can often provide over-the-counter medications and useful advice on minor issues, as well as direct you to a doctor if necessary.

Speaking of doctors, memorize these phrases that might come in handy when describing your symptoms or asking for help: “Necesito atención médica” (I need medical attention), “¿Dónde puedo encontrar un médico?” (Where can I find a doctor?), and “Me siento enfermo” (I feel sick).

When describing your symptoms, you might need to use words like “dolor” (pain), “fiebre” (fever), “náuseas” (nausea).

To specify where the pain or problem is, the phrase “Me duele la/el…” (My… hurts) will come in handy.

For example, “Me duele la cabeza” (My head hurts).

During a medical appointment, be prepared to answer some common questions the doctor might ask, such as “¿Tiene seguro médico?” (Do you have medical insurance?) or “¿Qué medicinas toma?” (Which medicines are you taking?).

Keep your emergency contact information handy and know how to say “Mi contacto de emergencia es…” (My emergency contact is…).

Phrases for Shopping and Tourism


When shopping in Mexico City, knowing some local phrases can make your experience much more enjoyable.

Here are a few essential Spanish expressions to help you while shopping:

  • ¿Cuánto cuesta? (How much does it cost?)
  • ¿Dónde está la caja? (Where is the cash register?)
  • ¿Aceptan tarjetas de crédito? (Do you accept credit cards?)
  • ¿Puedo pagar con dólares? (Can I pay with dollars?)

Use these phrases to confidently navigate your shopping adventures, whether you’re strolling through local markets or browsing in chic boutiques.

Visiting Sights

Mexico is full of fascinating sights, such as the breathtaking Chichén Itzá.

To make the most of your visit, here are a few useful phrases for sightseeing:

  • ¿Cuándo cierra? (When does it close?)
  • ¿Cuánto cuesta la entrada? (How much is the entrance fee?)
  • ¿Dónde puedo comprar boletos? (Where can I buy tickets?)
  • ¿Hay visitas guiadas en inglés? (Are there English-speaking guided tours?)!

Learning and Improving Spanish

A handy phrase book can be your best friend.

It contains essential phrases that will help you communicate with the locals and make your travel experience more enjoyable.

If you’re aiming to have a deeper connection with the Spanish language, you might consider taking a Spanish language class in your hometown or even in Mexico.

Many language schools offer specialized courses that focus on the local language.

Trust me, your wife and kids will be excited to show off their new language skills during the trip.

One of the best ways to improve your grasp of Spanish is to immerse yourself in the language.

Try watching Spanish movies or listening to Mexican music.

Remember, practice makes perfect!

To take it to the next level, challenge yourself and your family with these fun activities:

  • Play a Spanish word game on a smartphone app
  • Try to speak only Spanish during dinnertime
  • Label items in your home with their Spanish names

Now, when it comes to slang and regional expressions, Mexico has its own unique flavor.

As you explore the country, you’ll hear locals using idiomatic expressions that might not be in your phrase book.

Embrace this opportunity to learn from them and enrich your Spanish vocabulary.

Parting Words

Parting Words

You’ve been gearing up for that family vacation in Mexico, and now it’s time to practice some friendly language skills.

By learning a few common phrases in Mexico, you’ll be able to make meaningful connections with the locals and create a more authentic experience.

Remember, it’s all about making an effort – even just a little Spanish can go a long way in Mexico.

So, laugh at your mistakes, and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Remember, the more you practice, the better you’ll get, and soon enough, you’ll be chatting away with ease.

Now, go forth and explore the vibrant culture and stunning landscapes Mexico has to offer, while armed with the confidence that comes from knowing you’ve done your homework.

¡Buen viaje!

Related: Etiquette Mexico

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Some Popular Expressions Of Joy In Mexico?

In Mexico, people often use phrases like “¡Qué padre!” and “¡Órale!” to express joy and excitement. These expressions are similar to saying “How cool!” or “Awesome!” in English.

What Are Some Famous Mexican Phrases Translated To English?

Some famous Mexican phrases translated into English include “¡Viva Mexico!” which means “Long live Mexico!” and is commonly used to express patriotism and national pride. Another phrase is “¿Qué onda?” which translates to “What’s up?” and is a casual way to greet someone or ask how they’re doing. Additionally, “No hay bronca” means “No problem” or “No worries” and is used to reassure someone that everything is fine.

What Are Some Common Chicano Slang Words?

Chicano slang often blends English and Spanish words to create unique expressions. A few examples include “Spanglish,” the combination of Spanish and English, and “chido” which means “cool” or “awesome.” Another term you might come across is “pocho,” used to describe someone who speaks Spanish with Americanized pronunciation or grammar.

Abigail Lewis
Abigail Lewis
A Cancun resident since 2008, Abigail Lewis blends her local expertise and extensive travels across Mexico in her pieces for Family Destinations Guide. An adept traveler and mother, Abigail translates the spirit of Mexico into her articles, showcasing the best family-friendly attractions, restaurants, resorts, and activities. Her bilingual skills enhance her understanding of the country’s hidden gems, making her your trusted guide in Mexico.