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Set to voyage to the Philippines with your loved ones?

Here’s an exciting fact.

You’re about to plunge into a world where hand gestures aren’t just arbitrary motions.

They’re vital pieces in the intricate puzzle of Filipino communication, setting the tone and adding depth to interactions.

Think about it – isn’t it amazing how the “Mano,” a simple gesture of lifting the back of an elder’s hand to your forehead, can convey profound respect and seek blessings?

By comprehending the singular importance of these hand gestures, the Philippines presents a lively waltz of cultural respect and connectivity.

So, are you ready to dive deeper into this fascinating aspect of Filipino culture?

Get ready for an intriguing revelation.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding hand gestures in the Philippines can enhance your experience and show respect to locals
  • Familiarizing yourself with commonly used hand gestures ensures fluid communication
  • Acknowledging the cultural significance of Filipino hand gestures will help in avoiding miscommunication during your trip
Table of Contents

Cultural Significance of Hand Gestures: Philippines Overview

Cultural Significance of Hand Gestures: Philippines Overview

Hand gestures and body language play a vital role in the vibrant Filipino culture.

They help express the values and traditions that Filipinos hold dear.

If you plan to visit the Philippines with your family, make sure to familiarize yourself with some of the gestures you might come across to avoid misunderstandings and enhance your experience.

In the Philippines, like many other cultures, a handshake is a common gesture when meeting someone new.

However, Filipinos might also add a slight bow with the handshake to show respect.

So, if you’re out with your family looking for the best beaches in the Philippines, and someone responds with an eyebrow flash, they’re not being rude – just welcoming.

When it comes to pointing, using one’s lips or eyes is more common than using a finger.

They might pucker their lips and give a quick nod in the direction you should follow.

It might take some getting used to, but it’s a fascinating and unique aspect of Filipino body language.

Curious about asking for the bill without speaking?

Filipinos have that covered too!

To ask for the bill, simply make a rectangle shape with your fingers, as if you’re holding the bill itself.

This silent gesture is widely understood and helps you avoid interrupting conversations at your table.

While you’re exploring the Philippines with your loved ones, it’s important to embrace the culture and its distinctive ways of communication.

Commonly Used Hand Gestures

When visiting the Philippines with your family, it’s important to be familiar with some of the commonly used hand gestures in Filipino culture.

This will help you communicate better with the locals and understand their non-verbal cues.

In this section, we’ll explore some of these popular gestures, including Mano, Money Gesture, Thumbs Up, Eating with Hands, and Nodding.


Mano, or “mano po“, is a traditional Filipino gesture called pagmamano that shows respect to elders.

To perform this gesture, you gently take the elder’s right hand and place it on your forehead while slightly bowing.

This simple act demonstrates reverence and humility.

Remember, when you approach someone older, make sure to use your right hand and address them with “po” to show respect.

Money Gesture

Picture yourself in a bustling Filipino market, and you want to know the price of an item.

The money gesture comes in handy when communicating with vendors who might be too far away or unable to hear you.

To do this gesture, raise your hand toward the vendor and rub your thumb and index finger together.

It’s a quick and easy way to inquire about the price without saying a word.

Mano (mano po)Showing respect to elders
Money gestureAsking for the price

Thumbs Up

Thumbs Up

Just like in many other cultures, the thumbs up gesture in the Philippines is a sign of approval, agreement, or positivity.

It’s a universal symbol that most people understand.

So, when you’re pleased with something or want to give encouragement, feel free to flash a friendly thumbs up.

Eating with Hands

Filipinos often enjoy their meals by eating with their hands, also known as kamayan.

To embrace this cultural practice, make sure to use only your right hand when eating, as the left is considered unclean.

Rice, meat, and other food items are scooped using the thumb, index, and middle fingers, and then brought to the mouth.

Don’t be shy to join the locals in this hands-on dining experience.


In the Philippines, nodding can mean different things depending on the context.

A slight nod, or tilting of the head, usually signifies agreement or acknowledgment.

However, a slow and deliberate nod may imply a lack of understanding, prompting the speaker to further clarify their point.

So, pay attention to the subtleties of nodding to better gauge the meaning behind it.

Respectful Hand Gestures

The Philippines is a country known for its hospitality, warmth, and rich cultural heritage.

One essential aspect of Filipino culture is showing respect to elders, which is often demonstrated through specific hand gestures.

For families planning to visit the Philippines, understanding these gestures can make your interactions more meaningful and enjoyable.

Blessings and Permissions

The most iconic gesture of respect in the Philippines is called Mano, which means “hand” in Spanish and Tagalog.

This honoring gesture is performed by younger people to show respect and request a blessing from their grandparents, parents, clergy, and other older relatives or members of the community.

To perform the Mano, you gently take the elder’s hand and slightly bow while pressing your forehead against their hand.

This gesture is commonly seen in family gatherings, church events, and other traditional Filipino occasions.

So, why is this gesture important?

It’s a way to show deference and love to elders, who are respected for their wisdom and life experiences.

In Filipino churches, the Mano can also serve as a way to request permission before approaching religious icons or starting prayers.

It’s a simple but meaningful way to connect with the country’s values.


Hand-kissing, often referred to as “Pagmamano” in Filipino culture, is another tender gesture with an emphasis on respect.

It is similar to the Mano, but it involves kissing the hand of the elder or clergy instead of pressing the forehead against it.

As you might imagine, hand-kissing has its roots in both Filipino and Spanish traditions and is regarded as a polite way to greet someone with a higher social status.

During your visit, you might see this gesture mostly in family settings or among close friends and loved ones.

Understanding Cultural Differences

When you’re traveling to the Philippines with your family, it’s essential to grasp the cultural differences in hand gestures to enhance your experience and communication with the locals.

Filipino gestures, much like those in India, Greece, and other Asian countries, have been influenced by various factors, such as historical Spanish colonization and the native Tagalog language.

It can be fun to learn these gestures, but at the same time, you’ll want to avoid any awkward moments, especially while interacting with men, women, and children alike.

So let’s explore some commonly used Filipino gestures that will serve you well during your stay.

One thing you might encounter is pointing with the lips, or “nguso.”

Filipinos often use this gesture to point at objects without using their hands.

If someone puckers their lips and briefly extends them in a direction, they are indicating something in that direction.

It might take a little practice, but your trip to the Philippines will be enriched if you can pick up on this unique communication method.

Another non-verbal communication you should be aware of is the mouth’s opening, often used when someone doesn’t quite understand or hear what was said.

In Filipino culture, this gesture is a non-verbal way of asking, “What did you say?”

It’s important not to confuse this with the American notion of surprise or shock.

Handshaking is also an essential part of Filipino culture, especially when greeting new acquaintances.

A firm handshake, accompanied by a smile, is a polite and respectful way of introducing yourself.

Just remember to take it easy, as too strong a grip can be considered rude.

It’s common to see the nod as an affirmative response, but in some parts of the Philippines, especially among older generations, they nod upwards to signal agreement.

Make sure to discern the context when interpreting head movements, as a nod can mean “yes” or even “hello.”

Your adventures in the beautiful Philippines will be more delightful if you can appreciate and adapt to the cultural gestures.

Hand Gestures in Social Situations

Eye Contact

When engaging with locals in the Philippines, it’s essential to maintain respectful eye contact as it implies trust and attentiveness.

However, prolonged eye contact may be considered impolite, so it’s important to find the right balance.

Remember, it’s all about making meaningful connections while respecting cultural norms.

Facial Expressions

Filipinos are known for their warm smiles and genuine expressions, which can be incredibly inviting.

As a visitor, you should feel comfortable mirroring these expressions, as they’ll help you bond with your new friends and acquaintances.

Also, paying attention to facial cues is a great way to gauge how a conversation is going, so keep an eye on those subtle hints.

Gestures in Public


While exploring the Philippines, you may come across hand gestures you’re not familiar with.

For instance, pagmamano is a traditional gesture you might witness in social situations.

This gesture is a sign of respect, where a younger person gently takes an elder’s hand and presses it to their forehead.

You may also notice Filipinos pointing with their lips or raising eyebrows as non-verbal cues for directions or acknowledgment.

While it might be tempting to adopt these gestures, it’s best to be aware of them and stick to what you’re familiar with to avoid any miscommunication.

Finally, remember that showing respect to your fellow visitors and locals is key.

Refrain from using rude hand gestures or acting aggressively in public, as these actions can be considered disrespectful.

While enjoying your time at the best restaurants in the Philippines, it’s a good idea to use appropriate hand gestures when communicating with the wait staff to ensure a smooth dining experience.

For example, raising your hand slightly and making eye contact to request the bill is a universal gesture that will typically be understood by staff members.

Avoiding Miscommunication

When visiting the beautiful Philippines, you want to make sure that your interactions with the locals are as smooth as possible.

With that in mind, it’s essential for foreigners to understand and adapt to the local customs and non-verbal communication cues, especially in bustling cities like Quezon City.

One common gesture that might cause confusion is beckoning someone.

In the Philippines, beckoning is usually done with the hand facing downwards and waving the fingers towards oneself, a gesture that might seem similar to ‘shooing’ to some of you.

Avoid using the ‘come here’ gesture with the palm facing up and curling the index finger, as it is considered offensive in the country.

In fact, there are even laws prohibiting this gesture, and you certainly don’t want to end up in trouble.

You might meet a stranger or two while exploring the archipelago, and when that happens, you’ll want to start off with a friendly handshake.

Handshaking is a common and widely accepted gesture when meeting someone for the first time in the Philippines.

Just remember to use a gentle grip and maintain eye contact for a positive first impression.

Parting Words

Parting Words

After understanding these unique hand gestures, the Philippines can truly enhance your travel experience and interactions with the locals.

Remember, gestures are part of the Filipino charm, and they can vary from subtle nods to more expressive movements.

By familiarizing yourself with these local customs, you’ll not only avoid misunderstandings but also build better connections during your trip.

So, when you and your family are exploring this beautiful country, you’ll have an insider’s perspective on how to communicate without relying solely on spoken words.

Lastly, keep things friendly and engaging.

Embrace the warmth of the Filipino people, and don’t shy away from trying your hand at these fascinating hand gestures.

Related: Do You Tip In The Philippines?

Frequently Asked Questions

How Are Facial Expressions Used In Philippine Communication?

Facial expressions play a significant role in Filipino communication, as they help convey emotions and feelings. Raised eyebrows, for instance, can indicate agreement or understanding, while a pout can be an invitation to come closer. Stay attentive to facial cues to better understand your conversations in the Philippines.

What Is The Meaning Of The Burger Hand Sign In The Philippines?

The “burger hand sign” in the Philippines isn’t widely recognized, so it’s best to use clear and concise verbal communication when interacting with locals.

How Important Is Eye Contact In Philippine Culture?

Eye contact is considered a sign of respect and attentiveness in Philippine culture. When speaking with someone, maintaining eye contact demonstrates that you are engaged and paying attention to what they are saying.

What Do Crossed Fingers Signify In The Philippines?

Crossed fingers are usually seen as a sign of good luck or holding a wish in Philippine culture, similar to how it is interpreted in many other countries.

What Are Some Examples Of Nonverbal Communication In Filipino Culture?

Some examples of nonverbal communication in Filipino culture include handshakes, the “mano po” gesture for showing respect to elders and using facial expressions to convey emotions. Another example is “kibit-balikat,” which is the Filipino way of shrugging your shoulders to indicate uncertainty or indifference, as explained in this article on Filipino body language.

Sofia Martin
Sofia Martin
Sofia Martin, a Las Vegas-based educator and writer for Family Destinations Guide, fuses her Local travel experiences and love for the Mojave Desert into her work. After teaching in South Korea, she now guides readers through Vegas' family-friendly shows, attractions, and the natural beauty throughout Nevada.